Here’s an example of the Tennessee “Democrats” that need to be ran out of the state!
Becky Ruppe is a conservative "Democrat" running for the TN State Senate in East Tennessee. Her webiste and web ads (including on the TN Democratic Party website) emphasize her opposition to gay rights and her support of “Christian Values”!
Why are candidates like this, who oppose the Democratic Party’s basic principles of inclusion and equality for all Americans, tolerated in the TN Democratic Party?
Let’s Stop this bigot from being elected!
Here’s my letter to Becky Ruppe: (email:
August 16, 2008
Dear Becky Ruppe:
As a proud gay Democrat, I’m embarrassed that you call yourself a Democrat! If you read the Democratic Party’s platform, Democrats support EQUAL RIGHTS for all American citizens, including gays and lesbians. The DNC and Democratic leaders across the country, including our Presidential nominee Barack Obama, defend the rights and dignity of gay Americans from the anti-gay, theocratic Christian Right.
Our Constitutional rights are NOT based on “Christian Values,” and this is NOT a “Christian” country. We have a secular constitution that prohibits the “establishment” of religion or religious tests for politicians or citizens.
I will be working with the Stonewall Democrats, DNC and other progressive Democrats to keep right-wing conservative “Democrats” like you out office!
Jim Maynard
Memphis, TN
Sean Braisted: Ruppe "Courage" Ad
Grand Divisions: Gratuitous Jab At Marriage Equality
UPDATE: In response to those who argue that Becky Ruppe is the "lesser of two evils" I have this to say in the comments:
Sorry, I don't buy this "lesser of two evils" political strategy. I'd rather a GOP with these right-wing views win the election than have a Democrat "win" by attacking gays and lesbians and undermining the constitutional separation between church and state.
Let the GOP win on these issues. The Democratic Party needs to stop rewarding candidates who take these right-wing views. Sometimes it is better to loose an election standing for principles rather than win by sacrificing those principles!
Be careful what you wish for. Becky's opponent is the evil of two lessers. You are going to get one or the other and I promise you that Becky will listen to what you have to say.
I disagree with her on this issue and some others but I have to totally support her in view of her opponent, Ken Yager.
Sorry, I don't buy this "lesser of two evils" political strategy. I'd rather a GOP with these right-wing views win the election than have a Democrat "win" by attacking gays and lesbians and undermining the constitutional separation between church and state.
Let the GOP win on these issues. The Democratic Party needs to stop rewarding candidates who take these right-wing views. Sometimes it is better to loose an election standing for principles rather than win by sacrificing those principles!
I agree with Jim. All of us need to do what ever we can to stop Becky Ruppe. Send money and even go campaign for her opponent. If enough of us endorse her opponent and send them money MAYBE these DINO's will get the point and stop using us as a pawn. Here is his info go to his site and send him money and sign up to campaign for him if you live in the area. I live in Knoxville and I would love to see Ms Ruppe get hers. Go Yager.
i say its time to get behind ken yager he may be a repub but hes a friend to gays and ruppe is a hater of every thing we stand for we have no choice but to endorse mr yager i have been told he may just be one of us i say go go go ken
let us unite against ruppe i met ken yager through a friend he will be our friend please we must endorse mr yager he is our only choice lets form gays for yager
Ken yeager is not gay. He is a republican. The person that posted the last comment is just trying to start something. But I do agree we need to work to get him elected! He seems to have less bigotry toward our community. So we, the GLBT community need to go into Ruppe's district and work for yeager or at least work against Ruppe. Also the number one way to work against her is to donation to yeager.
What teh crap is going on! You people should be ashamed!
Becky Ruppe is a great woman and her beliefs are mine and many more in our area.
Leave her alone she will vote the way her district wants!!!!
the glbt community cannot allow people like becky ruppe to be elected to the state senate she will only use her position to promote her narrow minded bible beleiving gay hateing beleif. we must endorse ken yager by making contributions asking all gays in her dist to work for yager. lets form gays for yager.
Can someone tell me why the Tennessee Equality Campaign/Project is not all over this.... This women will work to stop us from getting married, stop us from being able to adopt, stop us from having the same legal rights that other married or even "common law" couples will have. She is suppose to be one of us... A DEMOCRAT.. but she believes in nothing that we as DEMOCRATs believe. As a woman who at one time had no legal rights... you would think she would be more open minded. I agree it would be better for the Republican to win this seat. We must, we have to unite and stop this bible beating backwoods hillbilly woman from winning and thinking it is okay to use LGBT issuies in a negative campaign against our rights... just to win. I dont have much, but I am going to donate to stop her!
Just so you know: Ken Yager is NOT a "friend to gays." I saw a flyer he sent out the other day here in Rhea County advocating the exact same things Ruppe does on her website: "Conservative Christian values," making political decisions based on "Christian beliefs," and most importantly, the support of defining marriage as between one man and one woman. Please, by supporting EITHER of these candidates you are doing a disservice to progressive liberals in our area. PLEASE don't support Yager, a terrifying BIGOT just as Ruppe is, just because he is running against Becky Ruppe! That is shooting us in the foot! Personally, I will not vote for either. There isn't a decent human being running for this office, so I won't vote for a candidate for that office. Plain and simple.
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