McCain Takes $2300 from Owner of Gay Sex Site Manhunt
Manhunt co-founder Jonathan Crutchley has donated the personal maximum of $2300 to John McCain's presidential campaign.
Crutchley responds: "Yes, my contribution to John McCain's campaign was listed on the Huffington Post. I believe John McCain will be a better commander-in-chief than Obama, who also opposes gay marriage. If we have an experienced, seasoned person defending the country in this dangerous age, we will be able to argue about the gay agenda later. I'm a Massachusetts Republican, which is about the same as being an Alabama Democrat. But, don't call me a "liberal," that's an insult."
Well Mr. Crutchley, you are an insult to gay Americans. It is Uncle Tom Republicans like yourself who helped elect George W. Bush and are responsible for the disastrous 8 years of the worst President in modern U.S. history, WHO FAILED TO DEFEND THE U.S. AGAINST A TERRORIST ATTACK HE WAS WARNED ABOUT REPEATEDLY! If John McCain is a decent human being, he will be returning your check very soon, when he realizes he accepted $2,300 from a sleaze bag like you.
1 comment:
For real? wow. .
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