Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Obama Wins Mississippi/More LGBT Endorsements

As expected, Obama Wins Mississippi
(Obama 60%, Hillary Clinton 38%)

Race was a major factor. Obama got 90% of the black vote, but only 25% of the White Vote.
According to the MSNBC Exit Poll, Republicans were 12% of the primary voters and 75% of them voted for Hillary Clinton.
Most of Obama voters would support a Obama/Clinton ticket, but most Clinton voters did not support a Clinton/Obama ticket.
Hmm... could it be RACISM?
Mississippi Democrats Divide on Racial Lines

See Also: The Limbaugh Effect in Ohio, Texas and Mississippi

Obama Rolls Out More LGBT Endorsements

Barack Obama's campaign rolled out a new swath of 40 national LGBT supporters, adding to the original list of about 60 queer supporters they announced last year.

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