Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Obama Wins Potomac Tri-State Prmaries

Obama has won Virginia, Maryland and D.C. Primaries
Building on his 13 wins on Super Tuesday, and Four over the weekend, Obama has won the "Potomac primaries" in VA, MD and D.C. That's eight in a row for Obama. According to CNN, Obama now leads Clinton in delegates. Clinton's deputy campaign manager has resigned, and more "shakeups" are expected.

Obama beat Clinton 2 to 1 in VA and Maryland (64% in VA, 60% in MD) and has cut into Clinton's base: latinos, those making less than $50,000 and older voters, as well as Independents.

Obama gave one of his best speeches in Wisconsin, showing how he will take on John McCain by linking him to the Bush/McCain Iraq War and other failed Bush/McCain policies. After seeing McCain's robotic speech, I can see Obama beating him in the general election.

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