Saturday, May 31, 2008

MI and FL Matter is Settled, Clintonites Not Happy!

The Democratic Rules and Bylaws Committee ruled Saturday to seat the the Michigan and Florida delegates but cut the votes in half to punish them for violating the DNC rules. This is not what the Clinton campaign wanted, they did not want Obama do get ANY delegates from Michigan.

Obama emerged from the RBC proceedings with a grand total of 2,052 delegates, just 66 short of the 2,118 required to win the nomination. Clinton has 1,877.5 delegates, 240.5 short of the number needed to win.

As expected, the Clinton campaign is threatening to continue this fight to the Credentials Committee at the DNC convention in August, which would almost guarantee that John McCain will be the next president. No party has ever won the general election when it did not have a nominee until their convention or the convention was divided. Everyday Hillary continues to campaign AGAINST the Democratic nominee, Barack Obama, she is helping the Republicans and John McCain.

The Clinton's have lost their control over the Democratic Party! It is time for CHANGE!

Will the Clintonistas Support McCain over the BLACK man? This one will!
An Angry White Clinton Supporter throws a hissy at the Democratic Rules Committee! This was about how most Clintonites acted today!

Irate Clinton Supporter: "God Damn the Democrats"
Senator Clinton is the "best nominee possible" for President, said Ms. (Harriet) Christian, "and the Democrats are throwing the election away. For what? An inadequate black male who would not have been running had it not been a white woman that was running for President! And I'm not going to shut my mouth anymore! "I'm no second-class citizen. And God damn the Democrats!"
"And they think we won't turn and vote for McCain," Christian added. She closed: "Well, I've got news for all of you: McCain will be the next President of the United States!"

Watch the Clintonista Temper Tamptrum:

DNC Rules Committee Meets to Change Rules Clinton Agreed To

The DNC rules committee is meeting today to hear the challenges from the Clinton Campaign to change the rules THEY AGREED TO in MI and FL. The Clinton Circus is going on outside the meeting with hundreds (NOT thousands) of Clintonites trying to force the DNC to change the rules of the election now.

AMERICABLOG is covering the DNC Meeting Live and providing good counter argument to the Clintonites.

The Clinton campaign's argument is that the DNC must CHANGE the rules they all agreed to at the beginning, that FL and MI violated the DNC rules, and that their delegates would not be counted in the primary election. They claim this is a civil rights issue and that "every vote" should count. What they are not telling (the truth), is that the Democratic Party leaders in MI and FL openly denounced the DNC rules and knowingly and willingly violated those rules. Obama followed the DNC rules and did not campaign in FL, and he withdrew his name from the MI primary ballot. How can "every vote" be counted in these primaries where voters were told their votes would NOT count?

There is NO WAY to "count every vote" in MI and FL! Blame the DNC and the Democratic Party in MI and FL! The DNC set the rules that MI and FL Democratic Parties violated. THEY caused the voters in their states to loose a voice in this primary! Don't punish Barack Obama who followed the rules that ALL the candidates agreed to!

And DON"T punish the voters who did NOT vote because they were told, by the Democratic Party, that their votes would not count, so they followed the decision of their party and did not vote. Contrary to the emotional appeals of the Clinton supporters to "count every vote", THE FLORIDA AND MICHIGAN PRIMARIES DO NOT REFLECT THE WILL OF ALL DEMOCRATIC VOTERS IN THOSE STATES!
If the votes in MI and FL would have counted, millions of more voters would have voted! Their votes were not included in the MI and FL primaries!

It looks like there is a possible compromise coming together on counting Florida delegates, but Michigan is more difficult because Obama was not on the ballot. The Obama and the MI Democratic Party compromise allows the uncommitted votes to be allocated to Obama, but the Clinton campaign, represented by the dispicable Harold Ikes, argues that Obama should not get ANY delegates from Michigan!

It is clear that Hillary Clinton will try to take this fight all the way to the convention in August. It is time for the superdelegates to do their job and stop her from destroying the Democratic Party.

Obama Campaign Supports Compromise that Would Net Hillary 19 Delegates

DNC Florida Compromised Reached, Michigan Deal on Table

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Good News for Marriage Equality!

Several items of good news on marriage equality:

CA: Same -Sex Marriages OK June 17

Poll: Majority of CA Voters Support Marriage Equality
A new poll released today showed that for the first time in three decades registered California voters approve of allowing same-sex couples to marry—by a margin of 51% to 42%—a flip from the last poll taken in 2006, when voters disapproved of gay marriage 50% to 44%.

The nonpartisan California Field Poll of 1,052 registered voters, conducted May 17–26, with a 3.2% margin of error, also found voters were leery of the proposed ballot initiative that would amend the state constitution to define marriage as only between a man and a woman, with 54% opposing the measure and 40% favoring it.

Gov. Patterson: NY To Recognize Out of State Gay Marriages
Same-sex marriages legally performed elsewhere will be recognized in New York in response to a state court ruling this year, Gov. David Paterson's spokeswoman said Wednesday.

State agencies, including those governing insurance and health care, must immediately change policies and regulations to make sure "spouse," "husband" and "wife" are clearly understood to include gay couples, according to a memo sent earlier this month from the governor's counsel.

Gay marriage is not legal in New York, and the state's highest court, the Court of Appeals, has said it can only be legalized by the Legislature. But the memo, based on a Feb. 1 New York Appellate Division court ruling, would recognize the marriages of New Yorkers who are legally wed elsewhere.

Libertarian Presidential Candidate Bob Bar Now Opposes DOMA
Libertarian Party nominee for president Bob Barr announced that he would repeal the Defense of Marriage Act if he were elected to the White House, according to a speech he delivered at the party's convention on May 25.

"The Defense of Marriage Act insofar has provided the federal government a club to club down rights of law-abiding American citizens, has been abused, misused, and should be repealed, and I will work to repeal it," he said on Sunday.

Barr, 59, authored DOMA in 1996 as a Republican congressman for Georgia's seventh district. In a statement about his support for the California supreme court's recent ruling to allow same-sex marriage, Barr said his original intent in authoring DOMA was to ensure that each state determine whether to legalize same-sex marriage.

For More information on Marriage Equality visit Freedom to Marry

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Lieberman Embraces Bigot John Hagee!

John McCain may have finally rejected the endorsement of right-wing bigot John Hagee, but McCain's pal Joseph Lieberman still embraces him!

Just when I thought I heard every disgusting thing about Joseph Lieberman, I watched HBO's "Recount" last night which showed that Joseph Lieberman helped undermine Al Gore's efforts to stop George Bush from stealing the 2000 election, then I read that
Joseph Liberman To Headline Upcoming Pastor Hagee Summit!

"Senator Joseph Lieberman is scheduled to headline Pastor John Hagee's 2008 Christians United For Israel Washington-Israel Summit this July 22. In accepting Hagee's invitation, Lieberman became the most senior elected representative confirmed to appear at the annual gala. Last year, when Lieberman spoke at Hagee's summit, he compared the Texas televangelist to the biblical prophet Moses, dubbing him "an Ish Elochim," or "a man of God."

Even after John Hagee called the Catholic Church the "Great Whore," said hurricane Katrina was God's judgment on New Orleans for hosting a gay pride parade, and even after Hagee claimed that Hitler was going God's will by getting Jews to move back to Israel, Lieberman calls Hagee a "man of God" and a great spiritual leader?

Get your puke bag ready, and watch Joseph Lieberman express his love for Pastor John Hagee.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Save the Democratic Party from Hillary Clinton!

Rachel Maddow has been right about Hillary Clinton's intentions to fight all the way to the Democratic convention to stop Barack Obama. (Rachel Maddow: Clinton to the Convention?)

Rachel is too kind to Hillary Clinton! Hillary Clinton is going to do everything and anything she can to stop Barack Obama from being nominated, and if nominated, from winning in Nov. This is not about “counting every vote” or any of the other rediculous arguments her campaign is trying to use to justify her continuing to oppose Barack Obama’s nomination. It is about Hillary Clinton’s political ambitions, which she WILL put ahead of the Democratic Party! I have tried to restrain myself, but I can no longer! Hillary Clinton is proving the worst fears about her, left and right! She has lied repeatedly, tried to scare white voters away from supporting Barack Obama, she praises John McCain and questions the experience or electablity of Barack Obama who has won MORE votes, MORE delegates and MORE states then she has! Now she wants to change the rules that she and all the candidates agreed to and count HER votes (not Obama’s!) in Michigan and Florida. (She has refused the Obama campaign offer to count HALF of the delegates in MI and FL).

Rachel Maddow is right, it is time for the Superdelegates to do their job and save the Democratic Party. If Hillary Clinton keeps the MI and FL issue going all the way to the Democratic Convention, it will destroy the Democratic Party and ensure the election of John McCain in November.

What Game Is Hillary Playing?
Nothing reveals more clearly how utterly unprincipled the Clintons are than their assertion that rules set by the Democratic Party's Rules Committee, and endorsed by all Clinton representatives on this Committee, now should be abandoned. Nothing reveals more clearly that the only rules the Clintons follow are rules which favor them. Nothing reveals how exaggerated their claims are than Hillary's recent comparison of the votes in Michigan and Florida to the civil rights movement, the suffragette movement, the fraudulent election in Zimbabwe and the 2000 election in Florida.

Hillary Clinton Claims She Is Staying in the Race Because Robert Kennedy was Assassinated in June!
(I.E., Why should she drop out before Barack Obama is Assassinated?)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Ellen Degeneres vs. John McCain on Marriage Equality

Ellen Degeneres Confronts John McCain on Marriage Equality

While McCain talks about the importance of having access to legal agreements and insurance, Ellen takes him to task on the inequality she feels, being denied access to a legal union: "Women just got the right to vote in 1920, blacks didn't have the right to vote until 1870, and it just feels like there's this old way of thinking that we're not all the same.

"We are all the same people. All of us. You're no different than I am. Our love is the same."

"I've heard you articulate that position in a very eloquent fashion," McCain says. "We just have a disagreement, and...I, along with many, many others [wish you] every happiness."

"Thank you," Ellen responds. "So you'll walk me down the aisle? Is that what you said?"

"Touché," says McCain.

See the Video

McCain Finally Rejects Pastors' Endorsement

John McCain Rejects Hagee's Endorsement

One McCain endorser says Hitler was doing "God's work" while another gains reputation for wanting to destroy Islam

Presidential candidate John McCain has been embarrassed in the past few weeks by the statements of right-wing Pastor John Hagee, whose endorsement he actively sought and still said he was glad to have.

But on Thursday he finally rejected the pastor's endorsement, CNN reports.

Hagee has called the Catholic Church "the great whore" and has said that Hurricane Katrina was sent by God to punish New Orleans for an intended gay pride parade. Now newly revealed audio tapes of sermons from the 1990's show Hagee claiming that Hitler was doing "God's work" by forcing the Jews to return to Israel. Hagee has denied that his remarks constitute approval of Hitler any any way and claims he is being mischaracterized.

"I obviously find the remarks and others deeply offensive and indefensible and a repudiate them," McCain said in a statement released late Thursday afternoon.

McCain's statement continues, "I did not know of them before Reverend Hagee's endorsement. I feel I must reject his endorsement as well. I've said I do not believe Senator Obama shares Reverend Wright's extreme views but let me also be clear Reverend Hagee was not and is not my pastor or spiritual advisor and I do not attend his church. I did not attend his church for 20 years. I have denounced statement he made immediately upon learning of them and I do again today."

McCain actively SOUGHT John Hagee's endorsement, and even said he was glad to have his endorsement AFTER learning that Hagee called Catholicism the Great Whore, and AFTER hearing him say that hurrican Katrina was God's judgment on New Orleans for tolerating gay people. That was not enough for McCain to reject his endorsement, but praising Hitler for doing God's will by driving Jews to return to Israel finally did it.

UPDATE: McCain has also rejected the endorsement of his "spiritual advisor" Rod Parsley who claims that the U.S. was founded to "destroy Islam."

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Obama Wins Oregon & Majority of Pledged Delegates

With a big win in Oregon, Barack Obama Now Has the Majority of Pledged Delgates and is within 100 delegates of being the Democratic nominee for President.
With the help of her uneducated racist base, Hillary Clinton won Kentucky by huge margin, as expected. The exit polls in Kentucky support the "Race Chasm" analysis of David Sarota:

* About one in five whites said race played a role in choosing a candidate;
* Nine in 10 of that group backed Clinton -- the highest proportion yet among the 28 states where that question has been asked in exit polls;
* Only three in 10 whites who said race was a factor said they would vote for Obama should he oppose McCain in November;
* Nearly four in 10 said they would back McCain, while the rest said they wouldn't vote.

In Oregon, Obama did better among the "white working class" and women. The Race Chasm seems to be regional, the South and Appalachia where Repubilcans usually win anyway.

Sen. Edward Kennedy Has Brain Tumor

Shocking news today: Sen. Edward Kennedy Has Malignant Brian Tumor

Like other great liberal/progressive icons, Ted Kennedy has been one of the most demonized political figures in American politics, hated by conservatives, but loved by liberals for his courageous and passionate career defending the poor, women, labor, gays, etc. John McCain calls Kennedy the last "Great Lion" in the Senate.

The Nation: Kennedy-The Senate's Fighting Liberal

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Cuba Government Combating Homophobia??

Looks like Communist Cuba will beat the United States in supporting equality for LGBT people!

Cuba Government Backs Calls to Combat Homophobia

Cuban government backs calls to combat homophobia
May 17, 2008 4:09 PM EDT
HAVANA - Cuba's gay community celebrated unprecedented openness - and high-ranking political alliances - with a government-backed campaign against homophobia on Saturday.

The meeting at a convention center in Havana's Vedado district may have been the largest gathering of openly gay activists ever on the communist-run island. President Raul Castro's daughter Mariela, who has promoted the rights of sexual minorities, presided.

"This is a very important moment for us, the men and women of Cuba, because for the first time we can gather in this way and speak profoundly and with scientific basis about these topics," said Castro, director of Cuba's Center for Sexual Education.

Mariela Castro joined government leaders and hundreds of activists at the one-day conference for the International Day Against Homophobia that featured shows, lectures, panel discussions and book presentations. A station also offered blood-tests for sexually transmitted diseases.

Cuban state television gave prime-time play Friday to the U.S. film "Brokeback Mountain," which tells the story of two cowboys who conceal their homosexual affair.

Prejudice against homosexuals remains deeply rooted in Cuban society, but the government has steadily moved away from the Puritanism of the 1960s and 1970s, when homosexuals hid their sexuality for fear of being ridiculed, fired from work or even imprisoned.

Now Cuba's parliament is studying proposals to legalize same-sex unions and give gay couples the benefits that people in traditional marriages enjoy.

Parliament head Ricardo Alarcon said the government needs to do more to promote gay rights, but said many Cubans still need to be convinced.

Things "are advancing, but must continue advancing, and I think we should do that in a coherent, appropriate and precise way because these are topics that have been taboo and continue to be for many," Alarcon told reporters.

Some at the conference spoke of streaming out into the streets for a spontaneous gay-pride parade, but others urged caution.

The gay rights movement should be careful not to "flood" Cuban society with a message that many are not ready to hear, physician and gay activist Alberto Roque cautioned.

And Mariela Castro said gay activists should opt for more subtle ways to chip away at deep-seated homophobic attitudes.

Defending equal rights for Cubans, of all sexual orientations, is a key principal of the Cuban revolution led by her uncle Fidel Castro, who overthrew dictator Fulgencio Batista in 1959, she said.

"The freedom of sexual choice and gender identity (are) exercises in equality and social justice," she said.

The Associated Press.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

CA Supreme Court Overturns Gay Marriage Ban

CA Supreme Court Overturns Gay Marriage Ban

This morning the California state supreme court issued its decision on the same-sex marriage case, and the majority held that laws excluding gay and lesbian couples from the right to marry are unconstitutional. The decision paves the way for California to become the second state in which gay and lesbian residents can marry.

The case involved a series of lawsuits seeking to overturn a voter-approved law that defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman.

''This is a landmark and historic day," said Kate Kendell, executive director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights. "We are grateful that the court upheld the most precious and cherished values of fairness, opportunity, and, most basically, the fundamental right to marry the person you love.''

California already offers domestic partnerships that offer virtually the same state-level legal rights and responsibilities as married spouses, including the right to divorce and to sue for child support.

A coalition of religious and social conservative groups is attempting to put a measure on the November ballot that would enshrine California's current laws banning gay marriage in the state constitution. It's unclear what impact today's decision will have on that initiative. The secretary of state is expected to rule by the end of June whether the sponsors gathered enough signatures to qualify the marriage amendment, similar to ones enacted in 26 other states.

The cases before the California court were brought by the city of San Francisco, two dozen gay and lesbian couples, Equality California, and another gay rights group in March 2004 after the court halted San Francisco's month-long same-sex wedding march that took place at Mayor Gavin Newsom's direction. (AP, with additional reporting by The Advocate)

The Obama campaign released the following statement today on the decision of the California Supreme Court:

"Barack Obama has always believed that same-sex couples should enjoy equal rights under the law, and he will continue to fight for civil unions as President. He respects the decision of the California Supreme Court, and continues to believe that states should make their own decisions when it comes to the issue of marriage."

On the issue of constitutional amendments, Senator Obama has been on record for some time: He opposes all divisive and discriminatory constitutional amendments, state or federal. That includes the proposed amendments in California and Florida.


Freedom To Marry

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Edwards/NARAL Endorse Obama

Finally, John Edwards Endorses Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama!

Obama was also endorse by the abortion-rights group NARAL

Hagee Apologizes for Anti-Catholic Statements

John McCain's spiritual advisor John Hagee apologized for his anti-Catholic statements, calling the Catholic Church the "Great Whore," but has not apologized for saying that hurricane Katrina was God's judgment on homosexuals in New Orleans.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Dem. Childers Beats GOP Davis in Mississippi!

In another sign the Republican Party is in DEEP SHIT, a Democrat, Travis Childers, has beat Republican candidate Greg Davis in the special election in the Mississippi 1st Dist. (54%-46%) This is the third Democratic victory in special elections this year!!
Even though Childers is a very conservative Democrat, his victory has sent shock waves through the Republican Southern Confederacy.

Oh yeah, Hillary won West Virginia, but is still falling behind in pledged delegates and superdelegates.
Obama will be the Democratic nominee by June 3.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Obama Pulls Away

While Hillary Clinton is expected to win West Virginia and KY by double digits, Obama continues to pull ahead in delegates and popular opinion.

According to the latest Gallup Poll, Obama now leads Clinton 50 to 43% among Democratic voters.

And Here's Why Obama Will Lose in West Virginia and Kentucky (RACISM)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

It's Over: Obama is our Nominee!

It's over! Barack Obama now has more superdelegates (as well as votes, and pledged delegates!) than Hillary Clinton.
Barack Obama is the first African-American nominated for President of the U.S. by a major U.S. political party!

Rasmussen has quit polling on Hillary Clinton, focusing on Obama v. McCain. Rassmussen Reports: THE RACE IS OVER

AP: Clinton's Fall

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Hillary Clinton: The Candidate for "Hard-working, White Americans"

Hillary Clinton continues her losing campaign by pulling out the race card again!

From USA Today:

"I have a much broader base to build a winning coalition on," she said in an interview with USA TODAY. As evidence, Clinton cited an Associated Press article "that found how Sen. Obama's support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans, is weakening again, and how whites in both states who had not completed college were supporting me."

There is a pattern emerging alright! Hillary Clinton has been using racism against Barack Obama! The Clinton campaign pushed the Rev. Wright non-story to scare white voters! The only argument the Clinton campaign has left to make to the superdelegates is that Obama is not electable because he is BLACK and white racists, which support Hillary Clinton, will not vote for Obama!

Enough is Enough!

AMERICABLOG: Vote For Hillary--She's Whiter!

The Nation: Race to the Bottom (How Hillary Clinton Played the Race Card and drove a wedge into the feminist movement)

Hillary's Grotesque Insult to African-Americans

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Obama Stops Hillary's "Momentum"

Obama Wins North Carolina by 14 points

As of 11 PM, Indiana is too close to call, but it looks like Hillary Clinton will barely win by about 2% (51% to 49%), but Obama could still win it....

This was a bad night for Hillary Clinton. Her campaign claimed that she would continue her "momentum" with a double-digit win in Indiana and cut Obama's win in N.C. to under 10 points. The opposite happened! Obama cut her win in IN to less than 5% and won N.C. by at least 14%.

Obama expands his lead in delegates and popular vote.

It looks like Limbaugh's army of Republicans voting in the Democratic Primary voted for Clinton 53 to 47%, and 58% of them say that Obama would be more likely to beat John McCain than Hillary (only 37% think Hillary can beat McCain). Clearly the Republicans still prefer to face Clinton in the general election.

See The Limbaugh Effect

Despite the dirty racist attacks on Obama, Clinton does not have any momentum. She cannot "win" the nomination without a convention fight.


Report: Clinton Campaign Almost Broke
Hillary Clinton has cancelled public appearances Wednesday...


Clinton Supporters Urge her to Drop Out:

George McGovern Endorses Obama, Urges Clinton to Drop Out

Gen. Wesley Clark Calls Clinton, Asks Her to Drop Out

Washington Blade: Hillary The Time Has Come
(The Washington Blade had endorsed Hillary Clinton)

Today in History: The Invention of "Homosexuality"

One hundred and forty years ago today, on May 6, 1868, the word "homosexuality" was coined by Hungarian gay-rights advocate Karl-Maria Kertbeny in a letter he wrote to the German gay-rights advocate Karl Heinrich Ulrichs (who had coined the term "urning" to refer to a "male-bodied person with a female psyche," who is sexually attracted to men).

Read the history of the invention of “homosexuality” on Jim Burroway’s Box Turtle Bulletin

In the words of historian/philosopher Michel Foucault:
"Homosexuality appeared as one of the forms of sexuality when it was transposed from the practice of sodomy onto a kind of interior androgyny, a hermaphrodism of the soul. THE SODOMITE HAD BEEN A TEMPORARY ABERRATION; THE HOMOSEXUAL WAS NOW A SPECIES." (History of Sexuality, Vol. 1)

Monday, May 05, 2008

Memphis School Board Backs Principal Who Outed Gay Teens

Memphis City Schools Supports Principal Accused of Outing Gay Students

Memphis City Schools, on behalf of principal Daphne Beasley of Hollis F. Price Middle College, has denied wrongdoing in Beasley's suspected outing of two of her gay students in the fall of 2007.

The American Civil Liberties Union, on behalf of one gay couple and their parents, sent a letter to school board members, the demands of which include a reprimand of Beasley, an apology to every person on the list and the enactment of anti-discrimination policies.

Here's the School Board's Response to the ACLU letter

Principal Outs Gay Teens--ACLU Steps In

Memphis Principal Accused of Outing Gay Students

Hillary/McCain? Hillary Agrees with John McCain

Sometimes it seems like Hillary Clinton is running to be John McCain's running mate! She praised his "experience" over her Democratic rival, Barack Obama; She stole John McCain's gas tax cut gimmick; she is prepared to extend the "war on terror" to Iran. While the DNC, and Barack Obama, have been blasting John McCain for supporting keeping U.S. troops in Iraq for 50 or 100 years, now we find out that Hillary Clinton agrees with JOHN McCAIN!

Clinton in 2005: "I Agree With McCain" on Long-Term Iraq Presence:

Three years ago, during an appearance on CBS, Sen. Hillary Clinton stated that she agreed with the overarching premise of John McCain's Iraq policy: that America's commitment to the war shouldn't be based on time frames but rather on the level of troop casualties. She even cited, as McCain now regularly does, that the United States would be well suited to follow a model for troop presence based on South Korea, Japan, or Germany.

"Senator McCain made the point earlier today, which I agree with, and that is, it's not so much a question of time when it comes to American military presence for the average American; I include myself in this. But it is a question of casualties," said Clinton. "We don't want to see our young men and women dying and suffering these grievous injuries that so many of them have. We've been in South Korea for 50-plus years. We've been in Europe for 50-plus. We're still in Okinawa with respect to protection there coming out of World War II."

QUESTION: IF Hillary steals the Democratic nomination, how can the Democrats attack John McCain for his statement that U.S. troops could remain in Iraq for 50 or 100 years when Hillary Clinton agreed with him in 2005? Hillary Clinton UNDERMINES the most powerful ad the DNC has running against John McCain!!

Clinton has run a right-wing racist campaign of fear against Obama. In Indiana, Clinton is sending out mailers attacking Barack Obama for supporting GUN CONTROL! She has proven she will go as low as she can to demonize Barack Obama, I would not be suprised if she starts attacking Obama for supporting "abortion on demand"!

Since Hillary Clinton cannot mathmatically "win" the Democratic nomination, her campaign is planning to launch the "nuclear option" to force the DNC rules committee to change the rules the Clinton campaign agreed to and count the delegates she "won" in Florida and Michigan, which would increase the total number of delegates needed for either candidate to get the nomination and drag the Democratic Primary past June 3.

Why doesn't Hillary Clinton just switch to the GOP ticket and run as John McCain's running mate? Either way, she is basically campaigning WITH the Republicans to beat Barack Obama.

Hillary Attacks Obama on Guns!

Here's ANOTHER example of how Hillary Clinton is trying to run to the RIGHT of Barack Obama by appealing to those "bitter" working class voters who cling to God & Guns!

Clinton Drops Indiana Mailer Attacking Obama on Guns

Does Annie Oakley really believe the gun nuts are going to believe anything she says about guns?

Sunday, May 04, 2008

John McCain's Preacher

John McCain has an even bigger "preacher problem" than Barack Obama.
Frank Rich explains what the MSM (Mainstream Media) has been ignoring:
The All-White Elephant in the Room

Here are some You Tube videos of Rev. John Hagee the MSM has overlooked in their video loops of Rev. Jeremiah Wright:
Rev. John Hagee on the Great White Whore

Thursday, May 01, 2008

"Mission Accomplished": Bush Most Unpopular President in Modern History!

According to CNN/Opinion Research Corp Poll, George Bush is the Most Unpopular President in Modern History!

A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Thursday indicates that 71 percent of the American public disapprove of how Bush his handling his job as president.

"No president has ever had a higher disapproval rating in any CNN or Gallup poll; in fact, this is the first time that any president's disapproval rating has cracked the 70 percent mark," said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.

"Bush's approval rating, which stands at 28 percent in our new poll, remains better than the all-time lows set by Harry Truman and Richard Nixon (22 percent and 24 percent, respectively) but even those two presidents never got a disapproval rating in the 70s," Holland added. "The previous all-time record in CNN or Gallup polling was set by Truman, 66 percent disapproval in January 1952."

CNN Senior Political Analyst Bill Schneider adds, "He is more unpopular than Richard Nixon was just before he resigned from the presidency in August 1974." President Nixon's disapproval rating in August 1974 stood at 67 percent.

Here's why:

5 Years Since “Mission Accomplished”

Today is the fifth anniversary of President Bush’s speech declaring a US victory in Iraq. On May 1, 2003, Bush stood on the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln under a banner that read “Mission Accomplished.”
President Bush, speaking May 1, 2003: “Major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed.”

Since those words, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have been killed and injured, while 3,900 US troops have been killed and tens of thousands more wounded. Earlier today, nine Iraqi civilians were killed and another twenty-six injured in a car bombing targeting a US patrol in Baghdad.

US Death Toll Highest in 7 Months

Meanwhile, US casualties have also reached their highest point in seven months. At least six US troops were killed in the past two days, bringing the April toll to forty-eight, the highest one-month toll since September.

See Also: Bush's Class War

Former DNC Chair Switches to Obama

Joe Andrew, Former DNC Chair under Bill Clinton, and a former Hillary Supporter Switches to Obama!

Read his statement: "I Have Been Inspired"
He also urged other superdelegates and Democrats to reject "negative politics" (i.e., Hillary Clinton!) and unite behind Barack Obama.

Joe Andrew was one of FIVE superdelegates to swing behind Obama today (Hillary Clinton netted four).

Defection of Longtime Superdelegate Jolts Clinton

Obama Closing in On Clinton's Advantage Among Superdelegates

Here's one reason many former Clinton supporters are switching to support Obama:

Clinton Aide Has Been Distributing Right-Wing Talking Points Against Obama