I just want to get this out of my system before John McCain gets his ass handed over to him by Barack Obama on Tuesday:
Picking Sarah Palin! You said you would pick the MOST QUALIFIED person who could be PRESIDENT!
You said she was the “best person” to be Vice-President.. Are you INSANE???
YOU LIED! You didn’t put the “Country First”, you put YOUR GREED FOR POLITICAL POWER first!
You put the religious fanatics who control your neo-fascist party first!
John McCain, you promised to run a "decent" campaign that focused on the issues and NOT personal attacks against Barack Obama. YOU LIED!
Shame on you for running one of the MOST DIRTY, LOW, DISHONEST Campaigns in U.S. History!
You LIED! You Lied about Barack Obama being a Muslim, terrorist sympathizer!
YOU LIED about Obama being a “socialist”!
YOU LIED about Obama wanting to RAISE TAXES on working class people!
YOU LIED about the Iraq War!
YOU LIED when you accused Barack Obama of supporting the "murder" of babies and teaching sex to kindergartners!
Shame on the ignorant racists, Christo-fascists who supported you because they hate Muslims, black people and gays!
And SHAME on the racists Democrats who supported you!
SHAME on the bitter Hillary Clinton “supporters” who supported you because they bought into the hatred and lies about Barack Obama!
SHAME on the Uncle Tom Republicans (Black and Gay) who supported you because they support your neo-fascist agenda more than they care about the rights of their own community!
Obama won't say it but I will: John McCain, You are not a "maverick"--YOU ARE A LIAR!
Enjoy Election Night and good riddance!