Well is there no end to political hypocrisy?? The GOP ran ads accusing Harold Ford Jr. of taking political contributions frm "porn movie producers," and cum (sic) to find out, the RNC has been the recieving end of regular contributions from Nicholas T. Boyias, owner and CEO of Marina Pacific Distributors, one of the largest producers and distributors of gay porn in the U.S. Some of their recent releases include "Fire in the Hole," "Flesh and Boners,' and their new hit "Velvet Mafia."
Now, I have nothing against porn, especially gay porn, since I am a mass consumer of it myself, but the hypocrisy of the GOP accusing Democrats of being too "gay" and taking contributions from porn when they seem to have a gay closet the size of a Wal-Mart Super Store and take not just PORN contributions, but GAY PORN contributions! Now if HFJ got contributions from a STRAIGHT porn maker, and the GOP is getting contributions form a GAY porn maker, now that would be an interesting ad for HFJ to run in TN!
And, why would a GAY PORN producer want to support the GOP???
I'm off to Inz & Outz to rent "Velvet Mafia"!
See Talking Points Memo For more on this story!
I was kidding, I will NOT be renting Velvet Mafia and support the GOP! Now I'm worried, which gay porn studios are supporting the GOP so I will know which ones to not rent or buy. I want a list!
DSA Growing Strong!
7 years ago
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