Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Why Listen to Republicans??

President Obama is trying to reach out to Republicans, especially on the economic stimulus plan, but it is doubtful they will return in kind. The GOP have become even more spiteful and grumpy since being booted by the American voters in 2008.
I applaud Obama for being a "gentleman" and trying to change the tone in Washington, but I hope he has a backbone to stand up to the GOP when they reject his offers of "post-partisan" kum ba ya.

House Republicans Urged to Oppose Stimulus Bill

But since Obama does not need any Republican support for the stimulus bill, why should he have to pander to them? HE WON the election! Democrats have the largest majorities in the House and Senate of any party in many decades! Fuck the Republicans!

Obama can try to reach out to the Republicans, but he must have the political backbone to respond to their ultimate rejection of a post-partisan sing-a-long.

Bob Herbert asks the right question, Why is Anyone Listening to The Republicans??
The Same Old Song

Here's some essential reading on the bankrupt Republican Party and how Democrats & Obama should respond to their lies:

Keith Boykin: Four Things Republicans Don't Want you to Know About the Economy

Thom Hartmann: How The Republican Party Party has Conned America for 30 Years

Christopher Hayes: Why House Republicans Aren't Worth Listening To

Paul Krugman: Bad Faith Economics

UPDATE: Despite all of Obama's attempts at winning GOP support for the economic recovery/stimulus bill, not one Republican voted for the bill today.

The Republicans have been very busy spreading their LIE that (corporate) tax cuts create more stimulus than investment in infrastructure. TPM lays out the FACTS : TAX CUTS ARE INEFFECTIVE AS ECONOMIC STIMULUS

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