Saturday, July 07, 2007

Impeach Bush/Cheney!

According to a new Poll by the American Research Group, 45 Percent of the U.S. support Congress starting IMPEACHMENT hearings agasint George Bush and 54 PERCENT support the impeachment of Dick Cheney! So why does the mainstream media and the moderate Democeratic Party leaders ignore the will of the American people and continue to ignore the crimes of Bush/Cheney?
With the inexcusable pardon of Cheney's right-hand man "Scooter" Libby, convicted of lying and perjury in the coverup of Cheney's criminal behavior, it is time to start the impeachment hearings on Dick Cheney. Go to Impeach and watch a great video presentation on the article of impeachment for Dick Cheney and sign the petition and contact your representatives to support Dennis Kucinich's H.R. 333 to Impeach Cheney! The next step will be to Impeach Bush!

1 comment:

autoegocrat said...

Isn't this the first poll ever on impeachment?