Sunday, July 22, 2007


Sen. Russ Feingold told Meet the Press that he will introduce two censor resolutions against George W. Bush: one for the Iraq War, and one for violations of the U.S. Constutition and the Bill of Rights. Even with growing public support for impeachment or censure of Bush, Democratic Senate "Leader" Harry Reid says no. How did that spineless wimp become Senate Majority Leader?? But I agree with the Progressive Democrats at, "censure" is a cop out. What is wrong with the Democratic Party? If the Democrats fail to IMPEACH Bush and Cheney, as far as I'm concerned, it is finished. It is unacceptable to me that history will record Clinton was impeached for lying about his blowjob, but Bush and Cheney got away with HIGH CRIMES, and a Democratic Congress failed to defend the U.S. Constitution against a lying President who misled Congress and the world into an ILLEGAL war, and violated the constitutional rights of American citizens and usurped powers not granted to him by the U.S. CONSTITUTION. If the Democratic Party cannot show enough backbone to stand up to a President with a 30 percent approval rating, with 45-54 percent supporting IMPEACHMENT hearings, then is there really any hope for the Democratic Party?



Joltin' Django said...

I've been scanning through my copy of the U.S. Constitution for the better part of two hours. I've yet to find the passage in which Congress is given the ability to "censure" the President.

Perhaps my copy of the Constitution has been edited! Can you tell me where it says in the Constitution that Congress can "censure" the President?

I eagerly await your reply!!!

Jim Maynard said...

I'm for IMPEACHMENT, you will find it in there.
I think censure is a cop out. I want Bush and Cheney IMPEACHED for their crimes.