Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Democrats Vs. Republicans

I didn't watch all of the Democratic or Republican Presidential candidate debates, I just can't watch stupid reporters asking stupid questions and polished candidates trying to spin their answers to get the best poll numbers. I thought the Democratic candidates were OK, nothing to get excited about, but compared to the Republican idiots tonight, the Democrats sure look good, even Hillary. Seems like one thing the Dems and Repugs all agree on now is that Bush screwed up Iraq. The Republican candidates attacked Bush on Katrina and Iraq. They disagreed on immigration and other issues, but all the Republicans agree on one thing..homos should not be allowed to serve "openly" in the military. It was painful to watch Giulliani and Romney back peddle away from queer folks. At one time, both support some "gay rights," Gulliani even supported "civil unions" once upon a time, but no more. Except for Kuccinich, the Dems have no backbone to defend marriage equality for gays and lesbians, but according to the HRC Report Card they all support "equal rights" for gays, including the same rights and benefits as "married" couples, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) and all oppose the military's anti-gay "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Policy. Wonder what excuse the homo-cons and Uncle Tom Republicans will come up with to support the Republicans in 2008??
And here's something you won't find ont the Republican Party webiste, the Democratic Party Gay Pride Web page and Pride Proclamation!

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