I just saw Michael Moore's new movie
SiCKO and highly recommend, no I insist, that everyone sees this important movie (is it showing at Studio on the Squre in Memphis). The film, one of Moore's best, does a good job of showing the human tragedies caused by the American for profit health care system and the need for a single-payer universal health insurance system like Canada, Great Britain, France, even Cuba have. None of these systems are perfect, but it clearly all of these countries do a better job of providing healthcare for ALL of their citizens and keeping them heathier than the U.S. does. Moore actually visits these countries and shows real examples to disprove the right-wing propaganda about the "horrors" of "socialized medicine." Even in Canada and Europe, "conservatives" even embrace the "socialist" view that health care is a HUMAN RIGHT for all, not a commodity to be rationed based on ability to pay. The culprits in the U.S. are the profit hungry insurance campanies, drug companies, and the American Medical Association. My partner, who has no health insurnace since he is unemployed, and I came away from the movie wanting more than ever to leave the U.S. and move to Canada, or a European country, or even Cuba. But Moore's main message is that we, the people, in a Democracy must rise up and demand health care for all before profits, as people have done in these other countries. People, all of us, must get politically active and organize to change the system. We have to stand up to the healthcare-indusrial complex. To get involved and take action, go to
SickCure.org or check out the
Physicians for a National Health Program. Also, read this article on
Health Care For All by the
Democratic Socialists of America