Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Spineless Politicians Won't Stand Up to NRA

Our spineless DEMOCRATIC leaders are unwilling, even after another "largest massacre in U.S. History" by a mentally ill person with semi-automatic weapons purchased LEGALLLY, to stand up to the NRA and the gun industry profiteers. CNN says Gun Control Unlikely to Get on the Agenda Despite The Shootings, Senate Majority "Leader" Harry Reid Warns Against Rush to Gun Control. We have such spineless political "leaders" in the U.S.

And the few gun laws politicians do throw out, like background checks and waiting periods, are not enough to stop the LEGAL purchase of the semiautomatic weapons that allow people to kill 30 people in a matter of minutes. The guns the VA Tech killer used were bought LEGALLY, under current laws. There is no way to stop people like him, withouth crimninal records or any officially recognized "mental illness", from legally buying weapons of mass destruction, designed for the sole purpose of killing other human beings, quickly and efficiently. In addition to doing a better job of detecting and addressing mental problems, we have to BAN the legal purchase of these kind of weapons which have NO legitimate sporting purpose, and we can do so WITHOUT infringing on the "rights" of hunters and sportsmen to have hunting rifles. Why is everyone bending over backwards to kiss the asses of the gun nuts in this country???

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