Thursday, April 19, 2007

The End of Roe v. Wade?

The Bush/Scalia Supreme Court decision ( Gonzales v. Carhart upholding the law against "partial birth abortion" is a signal of the end of Roe v. Wade. With the addition of Bush appointees John Roberts and Samuel Alilto, the Supreme Court is now 5-4 conservative and anti-abortion rights. This means the next major challenge to Roe v. Wade will probably be the end of a women's right to abortion in the U.S.

1 comment:

fearlessvk said...

i would be very surprised if the court overturned roe v. wade without another new appointment. the swing vote is justice kennedy and he was part of the majority in planned parenthood v. casey, which voted to uphold roe. we already knew he would vote to upheld partial birth abortion bans, however, from stenberg v. carhart way back in 2001. while this decision is definitely lamentable, it does not signal the end of Roe, unless kennedy has fundamentally changed his mind on the issue, which there is no reason to believe (yet).

the court will swing 5-4 on a case revisiting roe:

uphold roe:


overturn roe:


if stevens croaks or something, all bets are off.