Al Gore's movie
"An Inconvenient Truth" won two oscar awards, Best Documentary and Best Song (Melissa Etherage's "I Need to Wake Up"). As expected, the right-wing nuts went ballistic and trotted out their dirty smear campaign against Al Gore. Never mind the evidence of global warming presented by Gore and the consensus of world scientists, the right-wing nuts are more concerned about Al Gore's utility bill! A right-wing "think tank" (The Tennessee Center for Policy Research), with links to Exxon and anti-environmental conservative groups, accused Gore of being a hypocrite because his utility bill is was 20 times the average american's bill. Not only did the right-wing nuts like World Net Daily News, Matt Drudge, Hannity, Limbaugh etal. push this story, but even the "mainstream" media ran with it. As usual, the right-wing nuts and their media echo chamber were more concerned with attacking Al Gore and did not care too much about getting the facts straight. The FACT is that Al Gore uses GREEN POWER through GREEN POWER SWITCH, and purchases "carbon offsets" to offset his carbon footprint, and is installing solar panels on his mansion. All things Al Gore is encouraging everyone to do. No one, not even Gore, claims to be "peferfect" on environmentalism, but they are trying and encouraging the rest of us to take the necessary steps to save our planet, while the right-wing nuts just ignore the facts altogether. Just another example of the right-wing media echo chamber getting their facts wrong and launching personal attacks against liberal Democrats.
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