Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Bush's Budget: More War, Less Compassion

George W. Bush's New Budget is a great example of conservative priorities FUND WAR, TAX BREAKS FOR THE RICH, CUT AID TO POOR

Bush slashes Aid to the poor to Boost the military's war chest. Bush's $2.9 billion budget boosts military spending by over 11 percent, inlcuding $145 billion more for Iraq and Afghanistan, boosting overall military spending to over $600 billion! This huge increase in military spending is paid for by cutting domestic social programs (Medicare is cut $66 Billion over five years, and medicaid is cut $12 billlion).

Bush wants to give give his "base" (millionaires) an average tax cut of $162,000 a year by 2012. The top 1 percent will get 31 percent of the tax cuts, compared to just 4 percent for the bottom 40 percent! (Center on Budget and Policy Priorites).

And he claims to be working toward a "balanced budget"...don't believe it. He will also have to rob more money from the Social Security Trust Fund.

So this is "compassionate conservatism"??

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