Saturday, February 24, 2007

George Takei ("Mr. Sulu") Responds to to Homophobe Tim Hardaway

George Takei (Star Trek's "Mr. Sulu") responds to homophobic statements by former NBA star Tim Hardaway on the Jimmy Kimmel show.

In a recent interview, Tim Hardaway responded to a question about the recent coming out of John Amaechi, another former NBA player, by saying "I HATE GAY PEOPLE...let it be known I DON'T LIKE GAY PEOPLE. I'M HOMOPHOBIC."

After a major backlash, Hardaway has "apologized," saying he should not have used the word "hate," but no one takes his "apology" seriously. I can accept someone letting the work "fag" slip through their lips without being homophobic and I can accept their apologies, although the word "fag" really does not bother me. But saying I HATE GAY PEOPLE, is very different.

As Mr. Sulu saaid on the Jimmy Kimmel show, "we will be watching you..." Tim Hardaway, but I will not be lusting after your bald black head.

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