Saturday, December 30, 2006

U.S. & Islamic Barbarism

While many Americans celebrated and rejoiced at the barbaric hanging and execution of the former U.S. backed tyrant Saddam Hussein, most of the "civilized" world expressed disgust at the display of revenge and barbarism. Most of the advanced democratic societies in the world have banned state-sponsored executions. The Pope and the Catholic Church have denounced the execution and the death penalty. Where are all those "pro-life" fanatics when it comes to state-sponsored killing? Perhaps they should read more of the teachings of the man they claim to follow, who I believe denounced revenge and commanded his disciples to NOT return evil with evil, but rise above their enemies.
The graphic above is from an Italian newspaper, and depicts the common ground shared by the U.S. and fundamentalist Christians and Muslims--they endorse revenge and state-sponsored killings of human beings. Is it really a cause for celebration that the United States shares this barbaric notion of "justice" with Islamic religious fanatics?

No, I don't defend Saddam Hussein. I believe "justice" would require him to stand trial in a world court for crimes against humanity, and allow more of his victims, expecially the Kurds, to testify to his brutality and inhumanity, and sentence him to prison for life. Repayig his inhumanity and cruelty with more of the same is not "justice", it is barbaric revenge.

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