With recent best-selling books by atheists
Sam Harris and
Richard Dawkins, it seems like atheists and secular humanists may have finally reached a point where they can become a politically organized group to counter the Christo-fascists who have virtually dictated social and political policies in the United States for the past decade. I have little "faith" in the weak liberal Christian churches who are losing membership and political clout. It is time, as Richard Dawkins argues in his speeches, for American atheists to get politically organized to fight theocracy, and to promote science and secular humanism instead of living in fear and silence. As a gay atheist, I see many similarities to "coming out" for atheists and gay people. It took me a little longer to "come out" as an atheist than as a gay man. Atheists are still probably the most hated and feared group in American society, but things will change as more and more people admit that they do NOT believe in the sky-gods of Christians, Jews and Muslims. And if we want to preserve democracy and secular constitutional government, we better get politically organized! But organizing atheists and humanists is like herding a bunch of cats! Now there is a SECULAR political action group to counter the Christian Coalition--the
Secular Coalitoin for America which currently includes a coalition of secular groups: American Humanist Association, Atheists Alliance Int'l, Freedom from Religion Foundation, and others. It may be the best opportunity yet for secular humanists and atheists to gain some political power.
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