Thursday, May 11, 2006

Dean Courts Evangelicals/Misstates Party Platform on Gays

What the crap is going on with the Democratic Party??
Hillary Clinton is kissing up to Rupert Murdoch and praising George W. Bush (30% approval rating!), and Howard Dean, the chair of the Democratic Party goes on Pat Robertson’s Christian Broadcasting Network to court conservative evangelical Christians, and cannot even accurately defend the platform of the Democratic Party, which supports FULL EQUALITY for gays and lesbians! The National Gay & Lesbian Task Force called him on this and he has acknowledged that he was wrong.
NGLTF has returned a $5,000 donation from the DNC in protest.

Howard Dean’s recent actions have undermined the support of gays and lesbians for the Democratic Party! He recently closed the Democratic Party’s Gay Outreach Department, and fired his gay outreach advisor Donald Hitchcock after he criticized the Democratic Party for not doing enough to fight the anti-gay marriage referendums across the country this year. Hitchcock has been replaced, reportedly by Brian Bond, who recently accepted the National Stonewall Democrats executive director position.

Check out Doug Ireland’s blog for more information on Dean’s mixed record on gay issues:

Dean and the Democratic Party want to try win over some of the evangelical Christian voters who have jumped to the Republican Party, but they should not focus on courting the Republican Party’s base and ignore their own base! That is why they keep losing to the Republican Party!

I agree with
Tennessee Guerilla Women , Harold Dean should resign now!

1 comment:

Brassmask said...

Brother Maynard,

Come on. Dean's appearance was weasely. I totally agree and he should be taken to task for that; but, come on, that's not a hangin' offence.

Now,if he goes on the Trinity Broadcast Network and holds hands with that pink-haired lady and panders again, that's when he should be forced out.