Monday, February 09, 2009

Obama Shines in First Press Conference

President Obama Showed Why He Won the Election in his First Live Press Conference

Many people may still be in shock at watching an intelligent Presidential Press Conference. Barack Obama did a great job of explaining why Congress must pass the "Economic Stimulus and Recovery" Bill. He made the case for Keynesian "demand-side" economics--using government to stimulate demand. Although I still wish he would quit playing nice with the Republican Taliban, he did take a few kid-glove swipes at the GOP by reminding the American people that THEY were in charge for the past eight years and created the mess we are in, and that we tried "supply-side" (trickle-down) economics and it FAILED. The Bush Tax Cuts did not solve the economic crisis--they made it worse.

What I can't understand is why "centrist" Democrats gave away so much of the stimulus plan just to get a couple of Republican votes. Why is Nebraska Sen. Ben Nelson even in the Democratic Party? Listening to him try to rationalize his cuts in education and aid to the states in the stimulus bill on the Rachel Maddow Show, I thought he was a Republican. With "Democrats" like him... gods help us.

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