Friday, January 25, 2008

Kucinich Drops Out, but He's Not a Loser!

Dennis Kucinich Drops out of the Presidential Race, but he is going to Introduce Article of Impeachment Against G.W. Bush on Jan. 28, the day Bush delivers the State of the Union Speech. Speaking on the House floor Kucinich said, "We know the state of the union--It is a LIE." He also took a shot at Nancy Pelosi who says that impeachment is "off the table." "If impeachment is off the table," Kucinich said, 'then truth is off the table, and if truth if off the table, then this body is a living lie."

Dennis is a political hero who stands by his progressive principles and refuses to compromise with a failing political system. And I have to wonder, why is it that Democratic voters support the progressive ideas of Kucinich and complain about the lack of backbone in the other candidates, but they didn't support him????

1 comment:

Tom said...

See video: Kucinich Drops Out and Doesn't Endorse Anyone