Thursday, January 17, 2008

Huckabee Gaining Support of the Confederate in S.C.

Conferedate Group Airs Ads Supporting Mike Huckabee

"Americans for the Preservation of American Culture" are running ads in South Caroline praising GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee for his "pro state's rights" position on the confederate flag, and attacking his Republican rivals, John McCain and Mitt Romney, who called the confederate flag a symbol of racism.

On a related topic, Huckabee told a Michigan audience that the U.S. Constitution should be amended to support "God's standards" and in an interview on, Huckabee Equated Homosexuality with Bestiality again:

QUESTIONER: Is it your goal to bring the Constitution into strict conformity with the Bible? Some people would consider that a kind of dangerous undertaking, particularly given the variety of biblical interpretations.
HUCKABEE: Well, I don’t think that’s a radical view to say we’re going to affirm marriage. I think the radical view is to say that we’re going to change the definition of marriage so that it can mean two men, two women, a man and three women, a man and a child, a man and animal. Again, once we change the definition, the door is open to change it again. I think the radical position is to make a change in what’s been historic.

Before we start cheering Huckabee's nomination as the GOP candidate, let's consider the real possibility that he could win a general election!

Guess what, Huckabee has Pulled even with McCain in S.C.!

Doug Ireland explains why we should not dismiss Huckabee's chances of winning the GOP nomination: Beware the Huckabasher

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