Someone keeps posting these personal attacks against me on Memphis blogs:
"In the interest of full disclosure, Mr. Maynard, tell us how many times you've "flip flopped" been bought and sold and screwed over the gay community for your own gain or advancement. Despite your self-appointment as "the decider" and spokesman for the entire gay community, those of us who are in the community and KNOW you, know not to trust you."
When I have done any of those things ??? These are LIES! I wish this person would call or email me in person and we can discuss his/her personal attacks on me. I would like to know why anyone would accuse me of selling out or screwing the gay community for "gain or advancement"? What?? How have I done this? And how in the hell do you "know" me? I don't think you know me at all.
Over the years of being a "gay activist" I have endured many personal attacks, usually from people who criticize my "leadership" in gay organizations, but never supported those organizations in any way. I am open to constructive criticism. I have made many mistakes over the years, said and did things I regret, and I am eager to apologize or correct them. But what I do not accept are UNFOUNDED personal attacks like this. I resent people LYING about me, usually behind my back, who do not seem to have the courage to talk to me in person, but attack me behind my back and spread lies for THIER own personal gain.
This person is upset that I support Herman Morris for Mayor and NOT Carol Chumney. I don't speak for the entire gay community, and I don't claim to. I am an individual activist, etc. I have the freedom to express my opinions and not be attacked for them. Herman Morris has been endorsed by the Memphis Stonewall Democrats and the Tennessee Equality Project. It is not just ME endorsing Morris. Maybe this person is working for the Carol Chumney campaign and is trying to discredit ME. But the endorsements by Stonewall Democrats and TEP were not MY decision.
So if this person would like to have a discussion on the issue, here's your chance. Please back up your claims about me or be prepared to APOLOGIZE for spreading LIES.
DSA Growing Strong!
7 years ago
Dear Jim,
These type of attacks come from cowards too immature to show a face for debate, or name a name for response.
Jim is known beyond the boundaries of this city as being the strongest advocate and activist we have for GLBT peace and rights. He holds rightful leadership in the Memphis Stonewall Democrats, and does a fine job of keeping those interested informed and aware.If you would like to lead in this city, then get on board, and stop spewing and spreading your hate.
This is a personal invitation for this coward (s) to come forward. Understand, what you [the coward] are doing and the manner in which you've chosen to assassinate a man's character is considered to be hate and slander.
This is a small community and you will be found out. Please come forward with your allegations.
If these allegations are true, they need to be talked about, instead of blogged about.
I have asked Jim to post this letter. I will tell you my name, when I find out who you are
Feel free to post that I changed from a Chumney supporter to a Morris supporter based on Carol's failure to answer the questionnaire or appear at the forum. I trust Herman to be a feminist before I trust Carol to protect me as a lesbian.
Susan Mackenzie
Attorney at Law
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