The Shelby Co. Committee of the Tennessee Equality Project had a Candidates Meet and Greet tonight at Quetzal's. It was a great to see a large turnout, especially all the candidates in the upcoming Memphis City elections, including Mayoral candidate Herman Morris. Morris also came out to Mid South Pride in June, and he supports equal rights for LGBT people, and for that he has my support. I endorse HERMAN MORRIS for Memphis Mayor!
Where was Carol Chumney? She seems to be ignoring the gay community. She hasn't even bothered to respond to the Stonewalll Democrats or TEP questionnaires.
UPDATE: Herman Morris has been endorsed by the Commercial Appeal, Mid-South Democrats in Action, Stonewall Democrats and the Tennessee Equality Project.
DSA Growing Strong!
7 years ago
While you are busy basing your opinions on where Herman Morris "appears," I was busy calling Herman Morris and asking him, specifically, if he supports equal rights for gay people.
He refused to answer the question, saying only that he "supports equal protection under the law" but refused to say whether he would support the right of GAY PEOPLE to have equal protection under the law.
Mr. Morris is drawing much support from the Rev. LaSimba Gray who is one of the most vocal oppenents of gay people in Memphis (as evidenced by his attacks on Congressman Steve Cohen).
It's a free country and you can support and endorse whomever you please but if you think Herman Morris will do anything for gay people, other than try to trick us into voting for him by "appearing" to support us, you will be in for a rude awakening if he's elected.
While Mr. Morris is about the business of speaking out of both sides of his mouth, Ms. Chumney is about the business of actually trying to bring all in this town together.
Carol Chumney will support the rights of gay people and all other people. Chumney for mayor.
Carol Chumney has done NOTHING for gays and seems afraid to even say if she supports gay and lesbian rights or not in public.
I have no respect for her. Herman Morris does support gay rights, he responded to Stonewall Democrat and TEP questionnaires (Chumney didn't even respond to them) and Morris came to the TEP candidate meet and greet and spoke at Mid South Pride. Chumney did not show at either..
Morris at least deserves at chance and our support, certainly more than Chumney.
go to the Stonewall Democrats website and read Morris's answers to our questions. He supports a non-discrimination ordinance that protects gays from discrimination and he supports domestic partnership benefits for LGBT city employees. Chumney did not respond, and when asked in person has told us that she doesn't see the need for an ordinance since, in her uninformed opninion, laws already protect gays, and she opposes domestic partnership benefits for city employees because of the "cost" to taxpayers.
So just compare them on those issues..
No guessning is necessary, Morris is more supportive of LGBT pepole than Chumney.
Don't throw away your vote on this corporate puppet who has not proven anything except that he will take care of the rich powerbrokers. In any other city than Memphis, he would be a Republican!
Chumney is the only one who can beat him!!
.. on a side note, you were my sociology teacher in Mountain Home lol
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