Friday, September 21, 2007

Congress Fails Again

Republicans have stopped several Democratic bills to bring troops home and end the illegal occupation of Iraq. In fact, MORE Senators, including many Democrats, voted FOR the GOP resolution condemning the Move On ad exposing General Petraeus than voted to support our troops and start bringing them home. Maybe that is why the approval ratings of Congress continue to fall (to 11% according to one poll) below George Bush's 30% approval.

Why do the Democrats continue to allow the Republicans to change the debate from the Iraq War to Why did the Democratic leaders even allow this stupid resolution to come up for a vote? Why did so many Democrats fall for the bait and vote for this resolution? Are the Democrats in Congress, especailly the Senate really this stupid and incompetent?

It is time Democrats and activists do something to counter the GOP filibusters. Maybe the Democrats should use the "nuclear option" the GOP threatened to use agains the Democrats when they controlled the Senate. There should be a simple majority vote to pass bills in the Senate. Otherwise, if GOP obstructionism continues to thwart the will of the American people, maybe it is time for a REVOLUTION! No I'm not kidding... We need to consider all options to end the illegal occupation of Iraq, bring our troops home, and save this country.

1 comment:

autoegocrat said...

By the way, we passed each other like ships in the night at the Memphis Equality Project meeting. We ought to get together sometime and talk shop.