I hope this is the LAST post I do on Matt Sanchez, the former "straight gay pornstar," who is now the boytoy of the anti-gay right-wing Christo-fascists. Sanchez, who appears in over 30 "gay porn" flicks now claims is is not and never was "gay." He has denounced his gay porn past on Salon.com and says porn is "liberal". He has been embraced by right-wing nuts from David Horowitz to Kevin McCullough, who uses Sanchez as a case example of the "filth" of homosexuality, and proof that homos can change. Nevermind that Sanchez claims that he was NEVER gay to begin with! Of course "straight" men can fuck other men, history is full of examples of that. But these wing-nuts seem to only focus on sexual behaviors of "homosexuals." Sanchez is playing right along, thanking McCullough for writing this piece on him. I guess he has found a way to make more money off the backs of gay people, he will become the next darling of the "ex-gay" business, no doubt focusing his book on how he overcame his homosexual porn past. McCulough repeats the same talking pionts of Matt Sanchez, Ann Coulter and the right of the anti-gay conservative Reich: It is LIBERALS who are intolerant and "homophobic"! UNBELIEVABLE!
Matt Sanchez is a "proud Marine", writing endlessly about how great the marines are, and the military, which may be kicking him out along with the proud gay soldiers, if the current chair of the joint cheifs has his way. General Pace, chair of the Joint Chiefs says that homosexuality is "immoral" and should not be tolerated in the military. Will Sanchez challenge the anti-gay "Don't Ask, Don't Tell Policy" or will he continue to defend the anti-gay military establishment? Sanchez praises the new film "300" for its graphic portrayal of violence and militarism and cheers the Spartans kicking the ass of the "drag-queen" Persians. Talk about re-writing history! Do they not teach world history at Columbia?? Those Spartan warriors were HOMOS ! The Sacred Band of Thebes "is usually considered as the prime example of how the Ancient Greeks used homoerotic and homosexual relationships between soldiers in a troop to boost the fighting spirit of their militaries." Wow, why doesn't the U.S. military learn from history?
Now the Uncle Tom Gay Republicans are also defending Matt Sanchez against the intolerant "gay left"!
Message to Matt Sanchez and the gay Uncle Tom Republicans: No, we "gay lefties" are not intolerant of everyone who disagrees with us (hell we disagree with each other all the time!). Quit trying to change the topic from your right-wing, racist, sexist, militaristic, pro-corporate, political agenda. What we, what I, do not tolerate are Uncle Tom Republicans who sell out their own community for tax breaks and capital gains tax cuts, and support illegal wars and wasteful military spending to spread "democracy" (i.e., capitalism) and U.S. imperialism throughout the world and feed more hate and terrorism against us. Yes, I HATE fascists! I despise you! Not because I "disagree" with you, but because you are responsible for and support militarism, war, poverty, misery and anti-gay Christian fascism! You are a threat to democracy and your support of the Republican Party and conservatism is underming the U.S. Constitution! We have NOTHING in common and I do not even see us as part of a "gay community." We are on opposing sides of a class struggle! So I have had enough of you Matt Sanchez, you are a LIAR. You have used the "gay community" for years and made money off us, like most conservative porn makers and bar owners who take money from the "gay community" and funnel it back to the Republican Party and anti-gay political organizations. You obviously have NO respect for gay people, especially the men you have screwed trying to prove what a macho man you are (not). Please go and leave us alone and quit using us to further your "career."
Response from Matt Sanchez:
Get a grip. You've blamed me for everything everything except for Lincoln's assassination. No wonder no one takes you seriously.
1 comment:
Hmmm....for someone who detests the liberal media, Sanchez is really courting it. Yesterday, he was on Michaelangelo Signorile's show on Sirius OutQ. I think he is slated to do an interview in the Advocate. He also responds frequently the gay liberal commie fags blogs (he must Google himself everyday). He enjoys this attention immensely. I think progressive gays are better served by ignoring him. The more we chastise him, the more the Right (HomoFascists and Psychochristians alike) will circle their proverbial wagons around him.
I hope they understand that he is still a practicing homosexual. It was discovered that his Manhunt profile was active at least two weeks ago. Additionally, he had risqué pictures of himself on his blog until his recent overhaul. He is not fooling anyone. The right will chew him up and spit him out as soon as he outlives his usefulness. And, he's too stupid to turn himself into a franchise like Andrew Sullivan.
But, he'll be fine, When all of this blows over, there will still be throngs of gay men that will be more than willing to service his purported 11' member.
It's disgusting.
Side note: I can understand why so many of the early NAZIs were gay after reading GayPatriot and BoiFromTroi's blog. I think Signorile was right in one of his books...gays must fight an inherent fascism in their mindsets.
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