Tuesday, November 07, 2006

What's the Matter with Tennessee?

While I expected anti-gay Amendment 1 to pass in Tennessee, it is shocking that it passed with the support of 80% of TN voters! Eighty Percent! No doubt Amendment 1 galvanized conservative voters and contributed to Bob Corker's defeat of Harold Ford Jr., despite Ford's pandering to anti-gay bigotry and support of the Amendment. It looks to me like 80% of Tennessee thinks gays and lesbians are not full citizens entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

While progressives must keep working to change the political direction of Tennessee, it is clear that this state is swinging far to the right, and even Democrats are being forced to pander to anti-gay, conservative voters.

Is this state hopeless? Is 80 percent of Tennesseans bigots?

I'm trying to plan my escape to Vermont!

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