Polls Suggest Americans More Supportive of Gay Rights
A poll by the Pew Reserach Center released last Wednesday whos that opposition to same-sex marriage dropped sharply across the U.S. the past two years. The poll found that just over half (51 percent) of Americans still oppose allowing gays to marry, and 39 percent support it. However, opposition is down 12 percent from 2004, when 63 percent opposed it. The poll also found that the public is evenly split on allowing gay and lesbian couples to adopt children--46 percent in favor, and 48 percent opposed. (In 1999 38 percent were supportive and 57 percent opposed).
So, while the trend is going in the right direction, we still have a way to go before the people of the United States fully embrace equality ("life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness") for gays and lesbians...
The neo-fascist Republicans will continue to fuel the flames of homophobia and opposition to gay marriage in conservative places like the south and mid-west, but they are going to run out of anti-gay steam in a few years... Hopefully the Democratic Party will grow a stronger backbone to support equal rights for everyone.
The U.S. continues to lag behind most western democratic societies in supporting gay and lesbian rights, and even behind a few "third world" countries to the south of us..
DSA Growing Strong!
7 years ago