Monday, December 10, 2012

Tenn. activists rally for ENDA executive order

Glenn Ramsey speaking at TEP Rally in Memphis Sunday

Tenn. activists rally for ENDA executive order | Washington Blade 

A group of Shelby County TEP activists gathered at the Federal Building in downtown Memphis to call upon President Obama to sign an executive order banning anti-LGBT discrimination in federal employment.

Sign the Petition!

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Good Night for LGBT Equality

An Look at LGBT Election Results

Tammy Baldwin becomes first Lesiban/Gay U.S. Senator

Marriage Equality wins by popular vote in Maryland & Maine...

And President Obama breaks a historic barrier by winning election after supporting same-sex marriage and being the most pro-gay President in U.S. history.

The Beginning of the End for the Anti-Gay Marriage Movement



Despite some mistakes along the way, Obama has been re-elected, and has broken a historic barrier by winning after supporting Marriage Equality and LGBT civil rights... the barrier is torn down.

Updates on LGBT Races to Watch

Check Here for Updates on LGBT Races to Watch |

The Presidential election is not the only thing to watch tonight.. lots of LGBT candidates and ballot initiatives on Marriage...

Republican Defeats Antigay Democrat in Tennessee US Senate Race

Republican Defeats Antigay Democrat in Tennessee US Senate Race |

Thanks to everyone who wrote my name in! Waiting on vote totals..

Jim Maynard for U.S. Senate

Tammy Baldwin-the First Gay/Lesbian Senator

This Is How a Supposedly Radical Lesbian Wins in Congress |

Looks like a good election night for gay and lesbian candidates..

Saturday, November 03, 2012

Obama vs. Romney on Gay Rights

The choice for LGBT Americans SHOULD be pretty clear in this Presidential election

Obama vs. Romney on LGBT issues | Gay News | Washington Blade - America's Leading Gay News Source

Obama vs. Romney: 4 Ways they differ on Gay Issues

Obama vs. Romney on Gay Rights:

From Romney’s official campaign website:

  • As president, Romney will appoint an attorney general who will defend the Defense of Marriage Act – a law that defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman.

  • Romney will also champion a federal marriage amendment to the Constitution defining marriage as between one man and one woman.

  • Romney Pledges Opposition to Gay Marriage

    From Obama’s official campaign website:

    • First sitting president to publicly announce his support for marriage for same-sex couples.

    • Believes LGBT Americans should be treated fairly and equally.

    • Obama repealed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” so that gay and lesbian service members no longer have to lie about who they are to serve the country their country.

    • Endorsed the Respect for Marriage Act, a proposed bill that would repeal the Defense of Marriage Act and require the federal government to recognize gay marriages.

    • Signed the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, expanding the U.S. hate-crime law to include crimes motivated by a victim's actual or perceived gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability.

    • Extended hospital visitation and medical decision-making rights to LGBT couples.

    • Obama: Progress for LGBT Americans

      Tuesday, October 30, 2012

      The "Churches of Christ" Attack Gays

      Here is a FULL PAGE ad, ran multiple days, in the Commercial Appeal by Memphis area "Churches of Christ," attacking gays and lesbians:

      Here is my response in a Letter to the Editor:

      So the self-proclaimed "Churches of Christ," thought attacking "homosexuals" was so important they had to spend thousands of dollars to put several full page ads in the Commercial Appeal promoting their ant-gay bigotry.  I was once a Church of Christ "preacher."  I realized I was gay while I was a freshman Bible major at Harding Unviversity.  In time I realzied that the "Churches of Christ," were much like the Scribes and Pharisees Jesus spent most of his ministry attacking.

      Like the Pharisees, the Churches of Christ think following a literal interpretation of scriptures, written by men, is the path to heaven.  Like the Pharisees, the Churches of Christ use the Old Testament Levitical code to condemn others (homosexuals, etc.) while they do not follow the Levitical code themselves.  They also misuse the storty of Sodom and Gomorrah to condemn gays, when the sin of Sodom was not homosexuality, it was mass rape, inhospitality and violence towards strangers.

      When they turn to the New Testament, the Churches of Christ do much the same thing the Pharisees did with the Levitical Code, they take scriptures out of context to support their prejudices.  Jesus never mentioned homosexuality, and neither he nor any of the early discriples, including Paul, had any concept of a "gay" person.  Paul condemned specific acts of pederasty (that is what the original Greek words refer to) and temple prostitution practiced among some of the "heathen" religions, not to attack gays and lesbians, which he had no knowledge about.

      Of course, the Churches of Christ also think the Apostle Paul was speaking the literal words of God when he said women should be silent in the church and not have any authority over men, thus they don't allow women to be ministers or even lead prayer. They even think it is a sin to use musical instruments in worship, and condemn other churches who do not follow their narrow literal interpretation of the Bible.  The "Churches of Christ" represent Christianity as well as the Taliban represents Islam.

      I suggest any gay or lesbian person in the Church of Christ should leave immediately.  There are some real Christian churches who follow the real Gospel of Christ, and not the legalistic Pharisees in the Church of Christ.  Or better yet, look beyond Bible-based religions, which nearly all oppose equality for gays and women, and embrace secular humanism and reason like I did.

      And if the Churches of Christ really want to be disciples of Christ, they should have spent all that money on feeding the poor and hungry in Memphis.

      Jim Maynard

      Tuesday, October 23, 2012

      Log Cabin Republicans Endorses Mitt Romney

      The Uncle Tom Republicans throw the gay community under the GOP bus again..
      Log Cabin Republicans Endorses Mitt Romney |

      They believed this lie:  Romney Secretly Supports ENDA

      Yea right...

      Sunday, September 23, 2012

      Memphis City Council Delays Vote on Non-Discrimination Ordinance

      Memphis City Council Delays Vote on Non-Discrimination Ordinance (ABC 24)

      Confusion Over City Charter Leads Council to Delay Nondiscrimination Ordinance (Memphis Gaydar)
      Opponents of including sexual orientation and gender identity in the Memphis non-discrimination ordinance put up a procedural road block, and delayed the final vote pending research into the City Charter.

      Is the City of Memphis, particularly the office of Mayor Wharton, behind the delaying tactic?

      Dogs, Ponies, and a Shelved Initiative: The Sexual Orientation Vote for Dummies | Politics Beat Blog
      Jackson Baker write in the Memphis Flyer about how the City of Memphis, including Mayor Wharton's office, is blocking the LGBT inclusive anti-discrimination ordinance.

      Tuesday, September 18, 2012

      Tuesday, September 04, 2012

      Democrats Approve Marriage Equality Platform

      BREAKING: Democrats Approve Marriage Equality Platform |

      Not only did the DNC approve marriage equality in their platform, there are LGBT delegates from EVERY state at the convention.  (Marriage equality was also included in several convention speeches, including the first lady Michelle Obama's, on the first night of the convention.

      LGBT Delegates Sharing Excitement of Democratic Convention

      Democrats Include Gay Marriage in Convention Platform

      Jubilant LGBT Delegates Vow to Support Obama

      Wednesday, August 22, 2012

      Friday, August 17, 2012

      Group of Memphis area clergy call for marriage equality

      Group of Memphis area clergy call for marriage equality » The Commercial Appeal

      Clergy Defending Rights for All, an interfaith group comprised of roughly thirty clergy members from the Greater Memphis area, announced itself to the community at a press conference on Thursday, calling upon congregations everywhere to join them in support of marriage equality.

      Thursday's press conference was intentionally planned to coincide with a fundraiser for the Memphis-based Coalition of African American Pastors — a group whose founder, Rev. William Owens, has been prominently featured in the national media for his condemnation of President Barack Obama following the president's declaration of support for same-sex marriage last May.

      Thursday, August 16, 2012

      "Family Research Council" BLAMES Southern Poverty Law Center for Shooting

      Tony Perkins says Southern Poverty Law Center gave ‘license’ for shooting | The Raw Story

      Tony Perkins and the Family Research Council are trying to take advantage of the shooting at their office in D.C. by blaming the Southern Poverty Law Center for giving "license" for the shooting because of their designating FRC an anti-gay hate group.

      LGBT organizations roundly condemned the shooting, but SPLC defends it's designation of FRC as a hate group, and rightly so.  FRC promotes fear, hate and hostility toward LGBT people.

      SPLC: Family Research Council License-to-Kill Claim "Outrageous":

      "The SPLC has listed the FRC as a hate group since 2010 because it has knowingly spread false and denigrating propaganda about LGBT people — not, as some claim, because it opposes same-sex marriage. The FRC and its allies on the religious right are saying, in effect, that offering legitimate and fact-based criticism in a democratic society is tantamount to suggesting that the objects of criticism should be the targets of criminal violence.
      As the SPLC made clear at the time and in hundreds of subsequent statements and press interviews, we criticize the FRC for claiming, in Perkins’ words, that pedophilia is “a homosexual problem” — an utter falsehood, as every relevant scientific authority has stated. An FRC official has said he wanted to “export homosexuals from the United States.” The same official advocated the criminalizing of homosexuality.
      Perkins and his allies, seeing an opportunity to score points, are using the attack on their offices to pose a false equivalency between the SPLC’s criticisms of the FRC and the FRC’s criticisms of LGBT people. The FRC routinely pushes out demonizing claims that gay people are child molesters and worse — claims that are provably false. It should stop the demonization and affirm the dignity of all people."

      TRUTH WINS OUT Responds to FRC:
      “...yesterday’s senseless act of violence does not exonerate the Family Research Council and other anti-gay hate groups from the decades they’ve spent slandering, demonizing, and actively lying about the LGBT community,” added John Becker, TWO’s Director of Communications. “The Southern Poverty Law Center – a venerable civil rights organization that monitors and documents extremism across the country – rightfully labeled the Family Research Council an anti-gay hate group because of its extensive history of spreading malicious, hateful falsehoods about gay people. FRC is not a hate group because of its public policy views, as Mr. Perkins has alleged. It is a hate group because it earned that designation.”

      Tuesday, August 07, 2012

      U.S. Senate candidate Clayton urges Obama to back off support of same-sex marriage

      U.S. Senate candidate Clayton urges Obama to back off support of same-sex marriage |

      This Imposter won the Democratic Primary for U.S. Senate in Tennessee.  He doesn't think I should have the same civil rights he has because I'm gay.  He doesn't think my partner and I should have the same legal rights he and other straight people have.

      I'm running a write-in campaign against him, gay bigotry, and the Republican Bob Corker, who agrees with  him.

      And we have other disagreements about equality, freedom and social justice...

      TN Dems Nominate Anti-Gay Conspiracy Theorist for Senate

      TN Democratic Party Disavows Senate Nominee

      Jim Maynard: Gay Activist Write-In Candidate For U.S. Senate

      Sunday, August 05, 2012

      Memphis Gay Socialist Jim Maynard Running for U.S. Senate (Again)

      Since the TN Democratic Party has basically forfeited the 2012 U.S. Senate to Republican Bob Corker, I'm offering my name as a write-in candidate to those who want their write in vote counted. (Paperwork is being filed with the TN Election Commission to make the write-in votes count.)

       I'm a 48 year old gay, humanist, democratic socialist activist in Memphis, Tennessee. I've been fighting for economic and social justice, LGBT equality, separation of church and state my whole adult life. In 2004 and 2006, I ran a write-in campaign against Harold Ford Jr., who betrayed the Tennessee LGBT community and progressives, and ran for Congress as a right-wing Democrat, opposing LGBT civil rights and siding with Republicans on many issues.

       I have no illusion of winning this election. Neither does the Tennessee Democratic Party, which could not find and support a viable candidate to oppose Republican Bob Corker, and allowed an unknown anti-gay right-wing nut to "win" the primary. The TNDP has urged everyone to write-in a "candidate of your choice," I offer my name if you want to stand up to the right-wing Tea Party Agenda of Bob Corker and the Republican Party, and if you want your write-in vote to be counted.

      TN Dems Nominate Anti-Gay Conspiracy Nut for U.S. Senate
      TN Democratic Party Disavows  Senate Nominee

      Jim Maynard Write-In Candidate for U.S. Senate 2012

      Here's My Progressive Platform

      Tuesday, July 24, 2012

      Beyond Gay Marriage

      Beyond Gay Marriage - In These Times

      Is the gay movement walking down the wrong aisle? Is marriage really the most important issue for the LGBT community?

      Thursday, June 28, 2012

      How LGBT People Benefit Under the Affordable Care Act

      Since the SCOTUS upheld the Affordable Care Act, let's look at what it does for LGBT people...

      Brad Jacklin: How LGBT People Benefit Under the Affordable Care Act