The senate has scheduled a final vote on "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" repeal for TOMORROW.
Everyone in Tennessee needs to call both of their Senators RIGHT NOW! This may be the last chance to repeal DADT in Congress for several years.
Call Sen. Lamar Alexander at (202) 224-4944 and Sen. Bob Corker at (202) 224-3344 and tell them:
I'm counting on you to repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."
Senator Corker had the audacity to tell a reporter that he would abandon support for the START treaty if Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid dared to bring up DADT for an up or down vote. Such statements place personal bigotry as a higher priority for Corker than national security.
It's time for Tennessee to let Sen. Corker that his tactics are shameful and that he must vote to repeal DADT.
When you make your phone calls remember to
1. Tell the staff person who answers where you live so they know you're a real constituent.
2. Tell them you want the senator to support the standalone bill repealing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" - and that you'll remember how they vote when they're next up for election.
3. Thank them, hang up, and make your second call to the other senator.
Don't' stop there: save the Congressional Switchboard number - (202) 224-3121 - in your cell phone right now. Then hand it to a friend, then a co-worker, and ask them to make two calls. While you're at it, tell your family and your Facebook friends to call as well.
We need as many calls as possible in order to make this repeal happen in 2010.
I just placed my calls. Now it's your turn!
Jonathan Cole
TEP Board Chair