Friday, April 27, 2007

Giuliani Flip Flops Again

In the race to the Christ-Fascist base of the Republican Party, adulterer and part-time drag queen Rudi Giuliani Now Says He Opposes Civil Unions for Gays .
As recently as 2004, on Fox News, he said he supported civil unions. It seems Giuliani is suffering from "mutiplemittromney" syndrome. Even the few "moderate" Republican candidates realize they can't win the GOP nomination without pandering to the anti-gay base of the GOP. So much for the great white hope of the Log Cabin Republicans.

He was for abortion, now he's not so much. He supported gay righs, now he's not so supportive. He committed adultery, but claims to be a defender of "family values." Let's use, what does the book of Leviticus say about adulters?

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